Sermons by “Pastor Jesse Brubaker”

A Matter of Trust

Jesus shows the rich young man that he is in fact a law breaker, as are we all. His trust in possessions has made them his god. Out of love the Lord bids him sell all, so as to trust the One who will fulfill the law through perfect obedience to the Father.

We exhort one another to obey the law, not to save ourselves but because we follow Christ, and because we are so very grateful for salvation, and because we wish to honor Him, and so “that none may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

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…let not man put asunder.

Though God allowed divorce as a legal concession to our sinful hardness of hearts, it is not His will.
Rather, as Paul says in Ephesians, marriage describes a profound and joyful mystery: Christ joining himself to the Church. Having died to save us, he takes us to himself forever, giving us his life daily. He lifts us up, praising us as holy and blameless before His Father in Heaven. This is the true and glorious Gospel image of marriage.
Let us therefore bring one other to Jesus Christ, since the Gospel is far greater than the law.

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Be patient in suffering, until the coming of the Lord.

God gives us all we need to sustain us through trials and suffering. Let us pray for one another, serve one another, and point one another to Christ.

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Servant of All

When we receive, and care for the lowest members of our society, lifting them above ourselves, we show that we want to be like Him who made Himself the servant of all. We do it also that they may begin to understand what Christ has done for us. As we act in His name, we stand in the place of Jesus. And the hope is that they would see our good works and praise our Father in Heaven, the One that sent our Savior. And we pray that they would come to know him as their savior…that they too would understand that even at our lowest – especially at our lowest – Christ is there to lift and exalt us.

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The Tongue that is Taught

The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary.

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Be opened.

And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.”

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Praise to You, Oh Christ!

We have sin in our hearts that can’t be seen, except by God, who sees it and knows it, and chooses to love us anyway. He sent Jesus to die on the cross, so that he would take on the full punishment of God’s wrath, and we would be left unscathed.

We have a God who wants us to come to him with a contrite spirit – one who wants to hear us say that we’re sorry…
Even with our sinful hearts, even with our sinful lives, our actions, our thoughts – our God tells us that he loves us…
He says come back to me, turn to me, talk to me. Hear my Word and know that I love you, that you are my child, that I have revived your heart.

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