Updated: February 24th, 2025
PHOTOGRAPHS – Emma will be wrapping up our pictures for the directory this weekend and next. If you want to be in the photo directory, please be sure to head into the quilters room to get your picture taken. It takes less than 5 minutes to do.
If you are unable to make it the next 2 Sunday’s and you would like your photo in the directory, please send Kristina an email and she can give you instructions on what to do.
GRAPE TRIMMING – The team will be trying to do the annual trim on March 1st starting at 9 am. If you are able to help please bring your gloves, trimmers and dress for the weather including boots as the grass maybe wet!
The SEASON OF LENT is almost upon us! To stay in the know, please pick up your copy of the Easter Trifold in the Narthex.
MEN’S BREAKFAST – Come power up at the men’s breakfast Saturday, March 1st at 7:30 am. Then burn off those calories at 9:00 am by trimming the grapes and/or helping with the move into our new maintenance building!
MISSION AUCTION – Missions in Motion! The 2025 CTV Mission Auction and Dinner is Saturday, May 17, 2025. Mark your calendars and join us for an evening of fun, fund-raising and fellowship.
What’s New for 2025
– Donation of Vacation Rentals, Sport Event Tickets, Concert Tickets, Escorted Fishing or Hunting Ventures, and more for the Live/Oral Auction
– The event has been moved up to start at 4:30 pm so that dinner seating can begin at 5:45 pm.
– Attendees will be able to select their seats when purchasing their tickets) for the event
– Light appetizers (AKA a charcuterie board) will be available at each table for grazing during the Silent Auction. The Wine Wall will also open at 4:30 pm.
How You Can Help
– Live/Oral Auction Item Donations: The Planning Committee is seeking Vacation Rentals, Tickets to Professional Sporting Events, Concert Tickets, Escorted Fishing or Hunting Ventures, and more for the Live/Oral Auction.
– Basket Wish List: (Coming soon) Be on the lookout for our “Wish List” of items to help us build baskets for the Silent Auction.
– Baskets! If you have large basket(s) at home you are looking to relocate, we are interested in giving them a new home. You can bring them to church and tuck them behind the moveable table on the right side of the Narthex.
– Evening Volunteers: If you are interested in volunteering the night of the event, please let Cindy Watters know at canderson5@me.com.
Tickets go on Sale on Sunday, April 6, 2025. CTV set a joy-filled “High Water Mark” for our financial support of Missions in 2024; Help us surpass it in 2025!
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BOARD – VBS Volunteering is open and directions in the bulletin will direct you on what to do…please locate it on page 38 in Sunday’s bulletin.
CONFIRMATION CLASS – For kids in 5th grade to 8th grade, Thursdays at 7 PM.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – On the Book of Jeremiah. Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Any questions please contact Melanie Hoffman.
SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY – Please join Pastor Brubaker Sundays at 8:30 am as he leads a study of the Book of Hebrews.
THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY – “Discovery” Bible group is studying the Book of Isaiah. Classes meet Thursdays at 10 am.
MISSION TRIP – Save the date… Mission trip to Gitanyow British Columbia will be July 5th – 13th. If you are interested in going please call or text Tina Schmidt @ 503-367-6443. Check our Missions page to read about our experiences in 2023, and to get to know more about these unique people. (Click here and scroll down.)
GOOD GRIEF GIRLS – Next meeting is scheduled for March 19th, place to be determined soon.
We have donated $300 each to the following organizations: Operation Smile, Heart to Heart International, LCMS World Relief (Danelle Putnam -Santiago, DR), LCMS Hurricane Relief (N. Carolina), St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Tunnel to Towers Foundation (veterans), Mercy Ships, LAMP-Nathan Schmidt, The Father’s Heart, and Lahash International. The next LWM meeting will be on March 11 at 10 AM at the church. Ps. Jesse Brubaker will be our guest for our annual “Stump the Pastor” meeting. Bring your theological questions, questions about CTV plans, growth, and changes, etc. Following the Q and A session, we will have a brief meeting to discuss upcoming outings etc. Linda Newman will lead our devotion. All are welcome. Come when you can!
CTV QUILTERS – We will be meeting on February 25 from 10 AM until about noon. There is a lot of free fabric to choose from if you’d like to piece a top at home for the quilters to finish and donate. All are welcome. Come when you can. No prior experience necessary to join in!
CTV LUTHERAN SCHOOL – Snow delayed the school’s Valentine’s Day parties until this week and boy did they have fun! Mrs. Bell’s 1st grade class performed “The Nineteenth of Marquerk”, for chapel. This week marks the 100th day of being in school for the year and each class celebrated by doing activities marking that accomplishment. I invite you to pray for them, their education and our school. We continue open enrollment season as we strive to serve all those in our community looking for a robust Christian education at a small, personalized private school. Please spread the word and have interested folks contact me at sbloemer.ctv@gmail.comsbloemer.ctv@gmail.com
Our February items are Spaghettios or Ravioli. Current count is …82. 🙂
(Our March items will be White or Brown Rice & Mashed Potatoes)
BACKPACK BUDDIES – Next packing day will be March 8th at 9 am. All are welcome! Any questions please contact Mardie Jensen.
Kate Ledington’s GoFundMe towards the replacement of her stolen violin can be accessed at this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/kate-ledington
Are you aware that you can contribue to the church using our own website? Take a look under “Offering” at the far right of the menu bar above, or simply click here.