Thanks to the diligent research and advocacy of Sandy Lutz, the active promotion of Linda Borecki, and the swift action taken by Boards of Stewardship, Trustees, and Worship, CTV is now in possession of a top-of-the-line Rodgers Organ, Model 940!

Christ the Vine has a strong music ministry of congregational singing, vocalists and worship leaders, choir, strings, brass, and hand chimes, all benefitting from the addition of this fine instrument.

Our over-40-year-old organ was totally worn out. The fact that it was playable at all was due to constant patchwork repairs, and the skill of our organists in avoiding its inadequacies through the careful selection and editing of music.

With the new organ, none of these barriers exist! Intended for the church and concert hall, the 940 is “an organist’s dream.” It has had a single private owner who has given it minimal use; it might as well be new, and will most likely last for the next 40 years.

The instrument is presented to us by Mr. Steve Dougherty, President of “The Master’s Touch” music store. Steve, a good friend of Sandy’s family, is doing us the great favor of making it available to us at a significant discount against it’s true value. (New, it would cost three times the amount we are paying.) What a gift!

We anticipate it being fully configured and ready for action by the time services move back indoors September 4th.

Glory to God in the Highest

Steve Dougherty
Steve Dougherty