Linda Borecki


Director of Music and Liturgy Linda Borecki is a pianist and organist whose doctorate in theology includes an emphasis in both early Church worship and “post-modern” worship. She teaches classes in Early Church History and Lutheran Worship at the Mission Training Center (MTC). In addition she serves as Editor of “Tempo”, a publication of the the Lutheran Church Musicians Association.

Linda is entrusted with the planning of the weekly liturgy and music at Christ the Vine. Designed to complement the church calendar, lectionary, and pastor’s message, the style of worship is best described as “ancient-future.” She pursues all meaningful music that our Christian heritage has to offer, including sources such as the Lutheran Service Book, Christian Copyright Licensing Inc. and Linda makes a point to solicit members of the congregation for their “heart songs” – those ageless hymns and songs that mean so much to so many – and endeavors to include them in worship services. A cantor is employed for portions of the service, a position filled on a rotating basis by several talented individuals from within the congregation. The final Sundays of each summer month are “Hymn Sing Sundays” where members of the congregation are invited to call out the numbers of their favorite hymns which are then sung prior to the start of the service.