Dear Friends;

Most of you remember that in September of 2019, Chad Bird, a former professor of mine and now an author, speaker and popular podcaster came and spoke at Christ the Vine.

When Marta and I picked up Chad and his wife Stacie at their hotel after their arrival in Portland for his speaking engagement with us, Chad sat in the front seat with me. We talked about our shared time at seminary and we talked about our kids and what they’re up to now. Chad talked at length about his son Luke. He’d been accepted at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD and would be starting the following fall, after talking a year off after high school to recover from a serious leg injury. Luke had been an outstanding high school student and wrestler. Chad was rightfully, very, very proud of him and excited for his future.

Please pray for God’s compassion toward Chad and Stacie and also Luke’s mom, Audra during this extremely difficult time for them.

Thank you, God bless you all.

Pastor Kris

On Saturday morning July 16, 2022, our son, Luke Gabriel Bird, was killed in a hiking accident in Chile. He was 21 years old. As a midshipman in the United States Military Academy, he was studying abroad at the Chilean military academy this year.

Luke is a baptized child of our Heavenly Father, beloved and forgiven in Jesus. We know he is with his Lord, who is the resurrection and the life. That is our confidence and our consolation, even as we sit here with broken hearts and numb souls. I have never known such pain.

Pray for us, all our family and friends, Luke’s fellow midshipmen, and all who grieve the passing of this phenomenally gifted young man, who daily inspired me, for he didn’t know how to give anything less than 100%.

Luke was everything a father would want in a son, and so much more. He was and remains, a gift to us all.

Chad Bird